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The alkalinity of Kangen Water®.

In my previous post, I explained in detail the antioxidant properties of Kangen® Water and why it is the most important property. In this post I will explain why Kangen® Water is alkaline, the differences with other water alkalinization processes and why Kangen® Water is beneficial and does not present any danger to our health.

To do this we need to know what exactly the pH is and what it means that a substance is acidic or alkaline. So let's get to it...

pH literally means hydrogen potential. And what is the use of measuring hydrogen potential? In a liquid to measure the hydrogen, the potential is to measure the H+ hydrogen atoms. That is, the hydrogen atoms that are unpaired by lack of electrons to form a hydrogen gas molecule that looks like this:

(Two hydrogen atoms only need one electron to form a hydrogen gas molecule. They can potentially share a maximum of two electrons forming what is called Active Hydrogen (H2-) that originates when there are large amounts of electrons available, as with Kangen® Water, this molecule being highly antioxidant and providing energy to our system.)

Therefore, when we have many hydrogen (H+) atoms unpaired by lack of electrons we find a low pH measurement (below 7), which means that we have an acidic substance. Whereas when we have fewer unpaired hydrogen (H+) atoms, we find a basic or alkaline solution (above 7). Acidity is corrosive and generally oxidative because the unpaired hydrogen (H+) atoms look for electrons to match and will obtain them from the organic matter of our organism. While alkaline substances are usually substances that provide electrons. Hence the batteries or batteries are alkaline... Given this, we will see what happens with Kangen® Water and the reason for its alkalinity.

As we saw in the previous post, the water electrolysis of the Enagic® equipment will provide a large number of electrons that will reduce the amount of H + unpaired forming H2 and H2-. In addition, it will modify the water molecules (H2O), dissociating them and obtaining H2 and H2- + OH-. This can be seen summarized in the following general formula for the electrolysis of water:

2H2O + 2e- = H2- + OH-

Both the low concentration of H+ and formation of H2 and H2-, as well as the dissociation of the water molecule leaving hydroxyl groups (OH-) free, will give us very high pH readings (between 8.5 and 9.5) when we produce Kangen® Water. In addition, the same electrolysis will cause the alkaline minerals in their ionic form (Sodium Na+, Calcium CA++, Potassium K+, Magnesium Mg+, Iron Fe++) that are essential for our body homeostasis and that come naturally in water, to concentrate in Kangen® Water. Now you may understand why I said in the previous post, that the important thing is not so much the alkalinity of the water, but that it is an antioxidant as I explained in the previous post. Because it is this fact of the contribution of electrons that will trigger all this reaction being the alkalinity a consequence of the contribution of electrons to a mass of water to produce H2 and H2 - which is what will really hydrate us and provide energy, and so Kange® Water is making a big difference at the cellular level and in the health of everyone who drinks it.

It is very important to understand this because this way you can see that drinking antioxidant and alkaline water through an electrolysis process does not have any adverse or dangerous effects as some people claim on the internet. However, when it is not an electrolysis process (contribution of electrons) that is carried out to alkalize the water, it can be risky. This is because chemicals are added to the water, which will effectively make an alkaline solution, but which can be harmful. Such as adding caustic soda (NaOH).

Dismantling some myths about the alkalinity and pH of the stomach.

The stomach is an organ of our digestive system that is responsible for receiving food, already processed by chewing and salivation to continue processing in a more advanced way. The stomach is

literally, a bag of organic tissue that has hydrochloric acid (HCl) secreting cells that will break down food into the nutrients that make it up to be subsequently absorbed in the intestines. This hydrochloric acid has an acidity between 1 and 3 which makes it the most acidic substance in our body. The argument that some detractors of Kangen® Water hold are that alkaline water will neutralize stomach acids and vice versa, stomach acid will neutralize the possible antioxidant and alkaline effects of this water, which makes it meaningless or no difference in drinking this type of water or another. Well, this is an unrigorous argument and incomplete information and I will try to explain it below. The production of stomach acids is activated when we go to eat. First of all, the smell and visualization of food make us salivate and activates the digestive system in all its functions. Saliva is the first liquid that will process food, digestion begins in the mouth. The brain also sends the order to the stomach to start producing acids abundantly to process the food that we are visualizing and smelling and that we will soon begin to chew. However, as long as these stimuli do not occur, the stomach will not produce acids and therefore if we drink Kangen® Water there will be no opposite or neutralizing effect. It is for this reason that no nutritionist recommends drinking water or liquids during meals, precisely so that the concentration of acids is not lowered and digestion is not heavy. Generally, it is recommended to drink water before and after meals with a time span of at least 30 minutes. In a conclusion, we can say that drinking any water, whether Kangen or not, is not recommended during meals but...

What then happens in the stomach when we drink Kangen® Water outside of meal times?

The valves that give way from the oesophagus to the stomach (Cardias) and from the stomach to the small intestine (Pylorus), where the water begins to be absorbed, are sensitive to pH. This means that at alkaline pHs these valves open giving way automatically to the intestines. That is, drinking Kangen® Water with pHs between 8.5 and 9.5 will allow these valves to open, passing through the stomach ephemerally so that Kangen® Water with its antioxidants and minerals passes directly to the small intestine where it will be quickly absorbed providing the benefits that have been scientifically proven.

This is the whole detailed process of what happens in our digestive system when we drink Kangen® Water and when we eat. It is important to indicate that the waters that we can find in nature and optimal for drinking have a pH above 7, which means that they are alkaline, and is the reason why nature makes the aforementioned valves open so that the water is not stored in the stomach and can be absorbed. However, the different waters and drinks that are on the market, including chlorinated water, as shown in the first photo of this post, are acidic, which makes them stay longer locked in the stomach and gives us that feeling of flooding and stomach heaviness.

To summarize and conclude this post I will say that the alkalinity of Kangen® Water is a consequence of the electrolysis process that provides the energy that makes this water antioxidant and full of essential minerals and that differentiates it from the processes clearly from the chemical processes of alkalinization. In addition, this property favours the absorption of water by our digestive system, thus guaranteeing that we receive the antioxidant and moisturizing benefits conferred by electrolysis.

In the next post, I will explain how and why Kangen® Water hydrates our cells more effectively and what benefits this brings to our state of health.

For any other information, I invite you to watch the video and download the free ebook where I explain all the benefits of this technology.

Blessings for your day.


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