The meaning of success means to move forward, to go up... Perhaps it is a very basic definition for what today, this concept, influences our lives. Somehow, we all pursue success to a greater or lesser extent. From a very young age, it is something that we have to deal with without knowing very well what it is and what it means to be successful. Our social and education system pressures us to be successful in a certain direction, creating social gaps that in the future can be insurmountable and even generate great problems, both personally and generally. Thus we come into our adult life with the feeling of being successful people, if we have reached established social standards, or failed if we have not achieved them. For example, having gone to university, getting a good job, being promoted and having a good house and car...
However, this vision and conceptualization of success remain limited and biased since it is the individual and not society that must sincerely and particularly propose the goals to be achieved without necessarily attending to any social or group tendency. That is, each person is the owner and responsible for their own success or failure and it is they who must determine the goals, objectives, action plan and study of results understanding that in life, whether you are successful or if you fail, you always win.

Understanding this we can give the example of a person whose goal at one point in life is to go fishing every Monday at 6 in the morning. To reach your goal, prepare a concrete plan such as setting the alarm clock at 4:30 am, having left the bait and rigging ready, and creating the weekly habit. If this person establishes that habit and meets his expectations, he will be considered successful in the same way as any wall street executive who meets his objectives. Success is not measured in numbers, but in goals achieved. Within personal development, it is very important to have goals and objectives however the most difficult thing is to establish realistic and achievable goals. Therefore, before setting too big goals, we must be honest with ourselves and think very well about what we can realistically achieve. Once we have been sincere in that regard, we must establish a period of time to reach the goal, which is going to be directly proportional to my situation at the starting point and the proposed goal. The next most important thing is to create an action or execution plan. This plan should be as detailed as possible and we should include all the factors that are for me or against me achieving my goals. This is known as a SWOT plan because it will frame our Weaknesses/Amenzas and our Strengths/Opportunities.

Finally, you have to take the leap. Throw yourself into the abyss and stick to the plan. It is possible that while the action happens there are aspects that incite you to make changes. Study and think about these possibilities very well. Plan changes when you're running can be an extraordinary opportunity or a pit that will be hard to get out of. Generally, you have to understand that everything has a time and that success is not something that is achieved quickly and easily, but requires the maximum concentration and energy expenditure to achieve the goal. Sometimes you have to be patient and trust your intuition.
And what if I fail? Failure is part of success... If you ask anyone successful in any field, they will tell you the same thing. Failure is part of the process. That's why I said before that you succeed or fail you always win. If you succeed you get the emotional or monetary reward of having achieved your goal. If you fail, you will get something perhaps more valuable, which is learning about what led you to fail. This experience can be used in the future and will help you reach your new goals. Only the one who gives up or the one who feels incapable after a failure loses. When failure happens, it is necessary to make a deep reflection and identify the behaviours or decisions that led you to failure. You have to accept that almost no one is successful the first time and that the path to success always includes some failure. And if you don't believe me, check the stories of so many famous people who failed before succeeding, among which I highlight Thomas Edison, Walt Disney and Michael Jordan who said "I have failed again and again in my life. And that's why I've succeeded."
On a personal note, I always recommend starting with small goals that are achievable and setting a slightly more complex and medium-term goal. This way we get used to the process of having failures to achieve success but in a slower way. What is clear is that if you want to have a fuller life, full of experiences and achieve some of your dreams. You must throw yourself into the void and not be afraid of failure. Only then can you achieve success.